What is Technical SEO?

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What is Technical SEO?



What is Technical SEO?

The goal of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is to ultimately ensure that your page as it appears on search engines such as Google are as high as they can be. Technical SEO is a big part of that outcome. Instead of focusing on drawing traffic to and from the website, technical SEO aims to improve the infrastructure of the website. This includes improving navigation, performance, site security, and other parts of the back-end framework. 

Why is Technical SEO important?

One of the best ways to increase the sales of your company, and in turn revenue, is to increase the discoverability of your website. Search engines make sure to put the cream of the crop in their opinion at the top of their search results. A study conducted by Sistrix shows that 55% of users click on the first 3 results on Google, while 88% don’t even leave the first page. If Google decides that your website is not worth the time of their users, you will not be on the first page, let alone the first 3 results. Google prioritizes technical SEO as a ranking factor, and will rank your site higher if it loads and performs faster than others. Therefore, consider investing into improving the technical SEO of your website and you will see a night and day change in your website’s metrics.