Top Questions to Ask a Website Developer

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Top Questions to Ask a Website Developer

  User Experience

Questions to Ask a Website Developer Before Building a Website

When it comes to hiring a website developer, you don’t want to hand over the job to just anyone with a laptop and a guide to programming languages. Your website is the face of your business, and you need it to do the hard work of making it easy for your customers to buy your products and services.

So what exactly should you be looking for in a developer? Here are 10 questions to ask a website developer before you hire them.

1. Do You Have Experience Building Websites in My Industry?

Even an experienced website developer may not be the right choice if they’ve never built a website for someone in your industry. Make sure the developer knows the nuances of your field before you trust them to create your website.

2. Do You Outsource Any Tasks?

Not every website developer does all the work themselves, which could lead to miscommunication, timeline delays, or poor quality design. For best results, choose a web developer that does all of the work in-house.

3. Will My Website Be Completely Custom?

Many developers churn out websites using pre-made templates that are hard to distinguish from every other website out there. Opt for a developer that will build you a website completely tailored to the specific needs of your business.

4. Can You Show Me Case Studies of Your Work?

A web developer might send you some links to their work—but how do you know if it’s truly great web design? The best websites actually help your business grow by making it easy and intuitive for your customers to shop or browse your content. Check out case studies with specific results to make sure the web developer isn’t all talk.

5. How Will You Manage This Project?

Project management is an essential part of web development, yet many developers are known to be flaky and forgetful. Ensure your project doesn’t fall to the back burner by asking specific questions about how the web design will be managed, every step of the way.

6. Who Will Be Building My Website? What Are Their Qualifications?

Oftentimes, the person you talk to isn’t the one who will actually be building your website. If that’s the case, find out who is behind the scenes of the company and make sure they have the qualifications to do the job well.

7. Can I Give Input on the Web Design?

If a web developer isn’t willing to take your input in the design process, it’s time to run the other direction. The best developers work alongside you to create the website you’ve envisioned—not just the website that’s easiest for them to build.

8. How Long Will It Take to Complete My Website?

Time is of the essence, and it’s important to know how long your website will be in the works before you make any commitments. Pick a designer that’s organized and works with integrity so you can be sure they’ll stay true to the deadlines you’ve discussed.

9. What If I Don’t Like the Design?

Building a website is a process, and experienced designers know that the initial design will usually need a few tweaks here and there to get it just right. Ask the designer what will happen if you want changes made to the first design, and only agree to work with them if they’re open to making them.

10. Will My Website Be Compatible with Other Devices?

Because consumers spend so much of their time on smartphones and tablets, today’s websites need to be optimized for mobile devices. Make sure your website will be mobile-friendly and compatible with any software plug-ins that are essential to your business.

Hire a Reputable Website Developer Today

Knowing the right questions to ask a website developer will ensure you have the right person creating such an essential part of your business. If you need a fully customized website that offers seamless integration and smart design, get in touch with CyberLancers today.

We have decades of experience in managing the design of websites from start to finish. We’ve helped countless businesses in industries such as dentistry, healthcare, professional sports, and more to build websites using the latest technologies and best practices. Contact us today to work with the best developers in the industry.